Sunday 27 March 2011

Regency letter

This is a better picture of my latest M&B. It is the third in the Melford Dynasty series. Number four is also out this month in a double book - The wayward woman. Fugitive Countess is already available as an ebook at

This is almost the last Regency letter. Enjoy!

April 1816
Letter from Lady Horatia to her lover.

My dearest love
It is with great haste and anxiety I write to tell you that Melton arrived last night. He caused a terrible row and threatened both Robert and I with ruin if I continued to defy him. Robert says I must remain staunch. He says I should go with you and go quickly. I fear it will mean your ruin too, my love. Perhaps it is best if I forget happiness and do as Melton demands, though Robert says he shall restrain me if I am foolish enough to agree.

I fear this means we should have to leave England, perhaps forever. How can I ask such a sacrifice of you? Robert feels certain it would be your wish. I shall resist for a few days longer. If you do not come to me by Thursday next in our usual place I shall know your answer. I will go there every day at the same hour.

If this is to be farewell know that I shall never blame you. My happiest hours have been in your arms.

Forgive me for the pain I must cause you whichever way you choose.

Your own for ever, Horatia

Hope you've enjoyed this series. Anne Herries


  1. I love the excerpt. Fantastic cover. I really love that cover. :-)

